Thursday, September 29, 2011

At school

Just at school right now. just finished doing my casi, and it was wasn't to hard. There were a couple of questions I had to think about for a couple of minutes but got all the questions done. That's the good part. Earlier we had a practice lock down and then we had a practice fire drill. Then I had to go and do announcements so my morning wasn't to bad. Soccer  practice after school so can't wait to get back into it, after just coming back froma sprained ankle but itis getting better pretty quickly soo that is the good part.

Tomorrow is a P.D. DAY can't wait don't know what I am doing yet but can't wait. Then on Saturday I am going to the Brighten Speedway to go watch the last big thing for the year. October 1 is always the big finally. So going to go there and watch all the fun stuff happen. Going to watch the 100 laper then the teenagers race then the woman's race and then then flag pole race and then going to watch the ganlut race it is where one good guy car versus the bad guy car it is going to be soo much fun. The bad guys are going to have paint ball guns and are going to be shooting he good guys car with them. Then there is going to be a whole bunch of other things it is going to be amazing, a couple of friends might be coming down with us to watch the whole thing as well. It is going to be a blast. We are going to have soo much fun!:)